Lesson #1 With Peter Maki
This article is based on the first video lesson from the series of installation training videos with Peter Maki. Today we will take a closer look at the main tools that are necessary to install an architectural vinyl film on a variety of surfaces. We will do this on an example of a toolbox of our installer Peter.
These are some tools that Peter uses and recommends to use on a regular everyday basis.

The most important tool that you need is a squeegee. Different types of squeegees can be used for different purposes.
- a stiff plastic squeegee with Velcro is great for installing any smooth materials that are fairly thick, the Velcro side, in this case, is medium and not aggressive
- a medium plastic squeegee is the most used squeegee for almost any surface and curves, its felt applicator is great for smooth, glossy surface
- a soft squeegee is used for complex curves, it’s fairly aggressive velcro applicator helps when you are working with materials that have a lot of texture to them, for instance, a fabric-like vinyl.
There are even more squeegees to choose from. But these three are those Peter uses regularly.
Cutting Tools
- Utility knives and blades of different shapes.
- The snipper allows cutting pieces of vinyl quickly and easily without damaging the surface below.
- The next tool allows cutting a paper backing without cutting the vinyl underneath.
- A regular pair of scissors.
Cutting tools are essential to making any job complete.

Cleaning and Prepping Tools
To have a nice clean install, you need to have a clean surface. For this purpose, in Peter’s tool kit, there are:
- Lint-free paper towel
- Non-scented ungreased dish soap to mix with water
- Soapy water mixture
- Isopropyl alcohol 50%, which also is mixed with water
- Alcohol-water mixture
- Bodaq primer, which helps promote adhesion on any rough surfaces.
- Paintbrush.

Heat Gun
A heat gun is important for the architectural film installation to stretch the material around edges, corners, curves.
Measuring Tools
You need a variety of measuring tapes and rulers to fit different purposes.
Preparation Tools
- a plastic razor blade allows you to clean up a surface without damaging it
- a razor scraper for the same purpose but you have to be more careful with it on the surfaces that you are cleaning, it can easily damage it.
- a sanding block
- a palm sander
- a paintbrush that helps to whisk away some dust after sanding

Miscellaneous Items
- Extra knives and blades
- Micro squeegees of different softness
- Pens
- Small multi-tool
- Painters tape
- Glove that allows installing film at a high heat without burning your fingers
- Medical kit
- Carpet that allows cutting vinyl on it easily without damaging the floor below. You might be working in a house or apartment with a wood floor, and you have to trim material. On a carpet, you can cut the film, and the floor will be fine.
Would You Like To Know More?
Are you interested in installation training with Peter? Or maybe you would like to become a Bodaq certified installer? Feel free to contact us to know more about our product, services, and training.
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